Posts tagged ‘mind’


It’s been a while since I tried to write some potential mind-stimulating words. But, hence there is not much to do after a few months on the road, except the occasional learning, working or exercising of course, there I go..
The anniversary of Christmas, or Xmas for all the hip people, is approaching for all the Christians and modern consumers among you. What took me by surprise is that I do not care about it even a tiniest bit anymore. I am agnostic since years, but it always stayed a kind of get-together for families and friends just shortly before the year-value is increasing. Maybe it has all been far too commercialised. I would say: stripped down to the diapers, Iphone-snapped, photoshopped and uploaded to Facebook. Who would belive it otherwise anyway?

One could argue that this demystification, this growing up is sad, but it actually feels good. It opens the perspective to be above such things as holidays and consumerism. Every need that includes more than pure food, sleep, sex, self-improvement and excretion (in any desired order) is caused either by successful marketing or by far too complex and misleading thoughts of your own. Of course there are more needs. You might even put them into a pyramid like Maslow did. Still, I am sure most of our needs today are built onto a layer I would call something like ‘bonus-effect’. An advertisement example would be: This is the best beer ever! It has zero calories, tastes good as chocolate and you can drink 20 pints of it before regurgitation. You can see the exaggerated problem: every mentioned aspect is pretty cool, but I just do not want my beer to have one of them.

Who knows what we want just because it is shiny, pink or got big eyes?

Peaceful days to you all!

December 23, 2009 at 9:22 pm Leave a comment

Gesucht wird Verstand

Die meisten Dinge die wir gerne besitzen würden haben Nachteile die wir nicht sofort erahnen. So könnten zum Beispiel im Handbuch der Jungfräulichkeit – Achtung: kann leichte Gebrauchsspuren aufweisen – folgende Hinweise stehen. Unerfahrenheit kann zu falschen Hoffnungen führen; ungebrauchte Teile können den Spass erheblich bremsen; volle Motorleistung erst ab einer bestimmten Verwendungszahl; kann bei falscher Handhabung zu ungewollten Nebeneffekten führen;
Warum wir nun trotzdem nach bestimmten Zuständen streben, die kaum erreichbar sind kann den Grund haben, dass ehemalige Erwartungen nicht erfüllt wurden (siehe Lolita – Film). Die vorgelebte Vorstellung von bestimmten Ausprägungen kann lebensbestimmend wirken (siehe Barbie und Barbie Syndrom). Einflüssen die uns prägen können wir kaum entgegenwirken. Was jedoch den Unterschied ausmacht ist die Möglichkeit sich selbst zu hinterfragen. Jedoch erst, nachdem eine Entscheidung getroffen wurde und bevor noch mit der Ausführung dieser begonnen wurde. Das ist Intelligenz. Das ist unser persönlicher Kampf gegen Faulheit und Meinungslosigkeit.

Unser Denken vermag es nicht Berge zu versetzen, aber unser Handeln. Doch genau dieses Denken sollte verhindern, dass wir für unseren eigenen Vorteil anderen Schaden zufügen; unsere Verantwortung beim Empfang abgeben; die Fenster von aussen verschliessen; oder uns von einem temporären Fussballgott (siehe Fussball EM Zensur) Gedächtnisverlust verordnen lassen.

FM Belfast – Lotus (Killing in the Name of) ~ at
Porcupine Tree – Blackest Eyes ~ at YouTube

June 18, 2008 at 9:22 pm Leave a comment

Thou shallow mind

As your mind wanders, you may find yourself thinking about this one thing that’s never lazy. This one process that keeps on going till the end of your time. It’s the thought that never stops. It changes its face everywhere you look. Every different influence changes its way. Even when your body is sleeping, some parts of your central processing unit are still highly active.
From the moment we’re born, every sense is trained thus helping us to focus on specific things. Only after months and years of learning we’ve become able to focus on processes and their connections and therewith understand complex structures and our influence on those.

The problem arises when we’ve lost our interest in things. Without some special point of interest we use to wander around without getting the feeling of success. Focus is pretty important for anything you want to achieve. With all too far scattered interests you’re in danger of becoming a library containing short moments of nothing. Then again, if you concentrate too much, you become poison for yourself and others. Examples are: impotent top athletes, mad scientists, blind top managers – or as I may call them: failures in evolution.

Focus, but keep it real!

Inmates of the Cebu Provincial Det. & Rehab. Center, Philippines ~ at YouTube
Körperzellenrock ~ at YouTube

May 14, 2008 at 8:23 pm Leave a comment

How to solve problem-free situations

As you may have realised about 50 postings later, these texts are not about real problems. Most of these statements are meant to help to concentrate on our own greatest fault: the imaginary creation of problems where there are none. They are thought to show, quite plainly and maybe in an a bit exaggerated way, the simplicity of most things without our complex thinking overhead. Some might call that satiric. Well, to be honest, I’d like to go a bit with Oscar Wilde who said “If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they’ll kill you”.
Alright, this is the 49th post; the last of the 7th series with seven texts per series, each from 200 to 300 words. So much for the statistics. Now, I could ask if it’s fun to read for anyone else besides myself. Or maybe, if another mind can understand or even enjoy such sentences like the one where I compare courage to a blind fly in the previous post How to run on caffeine.

Are the hours of sweating brain waves, producing more firing neurons than rockets in New York city – on New Year’s Eve – for such punchlines like used in In the dark shadows die appreciated or even noticed? Don’t worry, I won’t ask. Nevertheless, I really value every comment – except those about cheap Viagra and other tasty pills, those bastards never deliver. Anyway, if you got something to say, say it, or else stop making noise.
Once the crisis got out of your hands, you can stop worrying!

March 19, 2008 at 8:42 pm Leave a comment

How to run on caffeine

Every movement freezes in your mind. Actions become series of pictures. You feel widely awake and at the same time completely numb to direct influences on yourself. The drugs produced by your body are floating your blood circulation. When you think, time stops. Your heart pumps like it tries to drown out your breaths. All muscles and tendons are tense. Your thoughts focus at the current place and time. Everything is under your control. One blink to crush the city; one thought to destroy the world.
At this state, unexpected events are often the stinging pain of reality. Nothing happens without reason. But what if we can’t find the reasons? Does reality jab you in your back? One thing is for sure: you could process a thousand pictures a second; if the flapper comes when unexpected, it won’t help at all.

The question is not: to drink or not to drink. Rather, you should ask yourself: are you fly enough to open your wings even if the light at the end of the tunnel could meet up with you halfway with a hundred miles per hour? Regret only exists in life. What drives you when you bear that in mind? Is it yesterday’s memory, the thought of tomorrow, or the possibility of none?
Sugar makes your heartbeat sweeter!

March 12, 2008 at 8:33 am 3 comments

How to clear your mind

Everybody has a mind of their own. And that is true in every sense of these words. Previous posts show that this makes for example the subject of communication a little – well, rather much more complex. Other influences are on possible ways to find your focus and concentration for specific actions. Some do sports, others take drugs and a few undergo brain surgery. Honestly, most of these solutions I would not really recommend.
The best thing to do with probably the fewest side effects is to find out what’s bothering you and thus is stealing your attention. As next step, you have to find out the expiration date of this problem. Afterwards, all you should do is find yourself the best conclusion you can make for this special issue until something changes after its expiration. Then, the hardest part is to draw the final stroke.

If you got too much on your mind and you need to get rid of it very fast, you’ll need to focus on something really important for you. Like you are thinking about relationship troubles, problems at your job, a family with murderous intentions and you’re currently falling of a cliff. I’d tell you: you better concentrate at your biggest threat. Usually, you’re in situations where you should focus on an important business, but you’re having troubles caused by crazy weighted neurons. Whose fault is that? Never mind, find a picture, some piece of music or information which is most interesting for you at the moment. Concentrate on it and afterwards try to go directly into the matter that’s most important.
If you’re hungry right now, look up procrastination!

March 6, 2008 at 8:06 am 3 comments

You and your ego

As time goes by so do our beliefs. Things change even at the single second we look at them. Therefore it’s hard to keep your trust in specific processes or life itself. Of course, that doesn’t mean we have to suffer from our own inability for finding valid beliefs. It just means that we have to accept changes and try to grow with them. If we manage to adapt ourselves well enough we may gain happiness by flexibility.
Nietzsche said ‘Wer viel Freude hat, muß ein guter Mensch sein: aber vielleicht ist er nicht der klügste, obwohl er gerade das erreicht, was der Klügste mit aller seiner Klugheit erstrebt‘. Thus, it’s not the truth that makes us happy, but our own trust in something.

From that, we may derive our greatest fear. It’s about the events that leave us unable to trust our own senses – the fear of being wrong. With that knowledge we may be able to overcome one of our greatest problems: the freezing in thoughts that prevents us from acting. The problems don’t lie in our present, they are written down in the memories from our past and the imagination of our future.
With these things in mind we may conclude that our flexibility can be our strength. In order to get rid of some of our fears we have to clear up things for ourselves and within our minds.
Darkness exists from where we come from, darkness is where we are going to, the only light we keep within our hearts, is the trust we have on things we know.
One might also say: it does not matter where we come from – it does not matter where we go to – the only thing that matters is the action that we make.
You always have to cross the street to look at your own way!

January 6, 2008 at 7:16 pm Leave a comment

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