Archive for January, 2008

Thinking about motivation

When you’re even thinking about things you could do before you have to check for emails, you’re really in trouble. Procrastination is not only the thief of time. Furthermore, these little distractions you’re looking for are like stones in your shoes when you’re trying to walk over water. Actually, let me rephrase: if you’re already thinking about procrastination – which you’re obviously forced to at the moment – you’re merely swimming in the attempt to prevent yourself from drowning. Be honest, you don’t really have a chance of getting any further.
Sounds pretty bad? Well, it is! You should really stop reading and get on with your work. Except if you want to know what you could do to defeat your killer instinct regarding time. In that case, go on – but hurry!

What makes the things we have to do so easy to prolong and almost destined for postponement? Did you ever think about changing your motivation? Now, don’t tell me all you need is more time instead of motivation. That would be quite the exception and you wouldn’t need an advice. The difficult process is to focus on your current action to 100 percent. Before that, even harder, you’ll need to start. It’s fine to think about alternatives, but then just take a breath and start. Just don’t forget that distractions are evil. Try to avoid them anywhere possible.
Alright, back to work!

January 30, 2008 at 8:06 pm 3 comments

Thinking in statistical evaluations

How do you work? If you’d know a bit of Neuroscience you could probably tell me how neurons connect via synapses to each other within our brains and let us feel, memorise and react. One feature that often strikes me in contrast to computers, networks and artificial intelligence is that there is no difference between the process of reading and writing data for our brains. As soon as we remember something, we refresh connections and make a specific memory stronger. This is quite important to know as it gets impossible to see or hear a wrong fact and just not ‘write’ it down in our memory. I couldn’t say how often you would have to call someone by a different name until it’s ‘their’ name. Obviously it works. One example are nicknames, but also on a higher scale, things we name until they find their way to the global dictionaries as soon as they become commonly known.

Even if that doesn’t sound like the snake of Kekulé, I think it’s an important thing we pay too less attention to. There are theses that suggest a connection between search requests for data on the Internet and common knowledge. Thus, allowing someone to compare the search results for different spellings of words. Requests with more occurrences are more likely to be correct. Then again, we may also associate that with the personal knowledge within our own brains. Your ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ is perhaps only a comparison between two values or weights.
If everything’s made up, when is it appropriate to laugh?

January 28, 2008 at 8:42 pm Leave a comment

Thinking and drinking

Ours is a society that has grown itself more belly than beard. Unable to look down on our offspring we grab our next bottle in the misbelief of ignoring as solution to our problems. Laziness and wealth are the reasons leading us into a deep depression and the standstill in our life. It has become more comfortable to sit in a sofa in front of the television than to go outside getting to know others. We drink to overlook the unimportance of problems in TV shows, we only learn to know because of such shows.
Money is earned to use it on entertainment that lets us forget about the troubles we have in earning this money. We would call it failures of existence, if the hangover would not be so tough. We don’t have problems, it’s the others that live in constant desperation.

Admittedly, nothing is as bad as it seems. Alcohol is probably one cause why there are still children born. Young mothers, parents that don’t care, incompetent school systems and stupidity are still essential factors that we don’t face extinction yet. But who wants to live among a mass of suicidal lemmings – except for a lemming. However, before I paint everything black, listen carefully: I would live like a deer among the wolves only to know that I am chased for hunger and not power. I would own power with the direction of my movements. To the power of chased ones, women, thoughts and dark beer.

January 22, 2008 at 8:15 pm Leave a comment

Thinking of loosing

One of the most interesting feelings in our life might be the ‘let go’ feeling. It’s the one you might sense when you’re on a train, travelling against the sun and leaving your home. It’s also there when you’re saying goodbye at the grave of a loved one and finally realise that the end of someone special is another chance for you at the same time.
It’s having a tearful eye while the other one is smiling. Depending on your thoughts of looking forward and your troubles with the process of letting go, it may seem easier one time whereas it can seem almost impossible at another time. Memorising persons or places is an important ability. We shouldn’t forget the bad things that happened in order to prevent the repeating of things that didn’t have the outcome we wanted. Nevertheless, we should always try to keep the good things in mind as well. We have to treasure these memories of joy as they are our mental achievements.

Every break-up means the destruction of existing connections and pain as a consequence thereof. At the same time, if we are able to use these open connections, we can gain a lot of new experiences. In such situations it is essential to look forward to new possibilities and not to find only grief and despair in the past. Don’t loose yourself in thoughts about things you can’t change anymore.
Get a seat in direction of travel or you might get sick!

January 20, 2008 at 8:42 pm Leave a comment

You don’t fool me

On certain things in life we have absolutely no influence whatsoever. People die everyday and most of us may not be the cause for that ..I hope ..well, at least I’m not the one pushing cigarettes into your mouth. No discussion about the hard-fought vitamin sticks here – that’s not what I meant. There are specific events in everyones life where our predictions are just correct. We know what is going to happen (see When we see the blood prior to the cut). We know what would be the appropriate thing to do. Still, we don’t do it or do something else.
This may raise the questions on the existence of determination, free will, spirits, ghosts and the perfect chocolate cream. Alright, maybe I drifted a bit away. The problem comes with the environment we see everything in. More theoretically, it’s our own angle of view we rely on. So, when you see yourself standing in the supermarket in front of the beverages, you find yourself thinking about a free decision which drink to purchase. As soon as you virtually make one step back, you see hundreds of advertisements for the drink you are about to indulge. Switch to the third person view and zoom out of the store. You’ll see your workplace and your free will of choosing right that department store. The bird’s-eye view gives you further insight into your working environment where your colleges told you about that specific shopping centre. And this goes on and on.

If we’d finally zoom out the entire universe and, as wee addition, would be able to understand it. We’d probably find out that everything has it’s reasons and determination. Regardless, we can’t blame the higher reason instead of the rapist. Everybody has a choice, because we don’t know any life but ours.
It’s up to you!

January 18, 2008 at 7:52 pm Leave a comment

You are stuck in this world

Do you know this feeling, when you tell someone you trust about something and exactly that something is used against you later? It’s like giving someone your appendix cause it hurts, and being hung by it afterwards. You get the point. The problem is, usually we have a lot of troubles and one hell of a headache. Talking about these pains is like giving away apples while you’re in a container full of them and they’re multiplying themselves by your thoughts about them. An apple a day keeps sanity away. And it’s wrong to think that you can make your troubles disappear by eating them. All you get is a full stomach, stomach pain, eating disorders, complexes, a crazy companion and a stupid goldfish.
Anyway, the problem is neither an apple nor some person. It’s your headache. ‘Nehmen Sie die Menschen, wie sie sind, andere gibt’s nicht‘ said Konrad Adenauer and what he probably meant was that we won’t make people fit our needs. Well, we pretend you are the exception if your profession is to cut people into halves to pack them into neat boxes.

Regardless of the common lack for the recognition of our own stupidity, we may at least count on our irrationality with a certainty of 98 percent. Two percent are discrepancy and the times when you grab a new condom with manufacturing fault. The truth is, we should not only accept others as they are, but also ourselves.
Life gets simple not until you put yourself into a wooden box!

January 15, 2008 at 7:25 pm 1 comment

You and your ego

As time goes by so do our beliefs. Things change even at the single second we look at them. Therefore it’s hard to keep your trust in specific processes or life itself. Of course, that doesn’t mean we have to suffer from our own inability for finding valid beliefs. It just means that we have to accept changes and try to grow with them. If we manage to adapt ourselves well enough we may gain happiness by flexibility.
Nietzsche said ‘Wer viel Freude hat, muß ein guter Mensch sein: aber vielleicht ist er nicht der klügste, obwohl er gerade das erreicht, was der Klügste mit aller seiner Klugheit erstrebt‘. Thus, it’s not the truth that makes us happy, but our own trust in something.

From that, we may derive our greatest fear. It’s about the events that leave us unable to trust our own senses – the fear of being wrong. With that knowledge we may be able to overcome one of our greatest problems: the freezing in thoughts that prevents us from acting. The problems don’t lie in our present, they are written down in the memories from our past and the imagination of our future.
With these things in mind we may conclude that our flexibility can be our strength. In order to get rid of some of our fears we have to clear up things for ourselves and within our minds.
Darkness exists from where we come from, darkness is where we are going to, the only light we keep within our hearts, is the trust we have on things we know.
One might also say: it does not matter where we come from – it does not matter where we go to – the only thing that matters is the action that we make.
You always have to cross the street to look at your own way!

January 6, 2008 at 7:16 pm Leave a comment

January 2008


~ Qui Tacet Consentit


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