Posts tagged ‘pattern’


Sometimes I’m glad that I’m not some sort of language analyst. Or would you like to tell me why awesome can mean ‘some’thing good and awful always has to be terrible. Not to mention the e. Never mind!
Usually it’s bad to start to write just with the inner need to bring words up on a shining display. You may call it some form of desire to create. Then again, most things are started by doing a very different thing. Many Simpsons episodes rely on the concept of a few short stories connected by what often seems like pure accidental thought. Comic writers like Scott Adams create their works by ‘just starting to draw’. Our minds find familiar patterns and thoughts seem to come automatically. It may even look like the results are quite unintentional.

That’s fine and pancake, but it will only make sense and be satisfying when you and your audience find enough connections to other areas they’re familiar with. When the result offers even more relations as imagined, that process can be probably compared with the punchline of a good joke. Mind-altering thoughts are awesome! It’s like realising that wrestling is fake, sex is dirty and a punch in the face actually hurts.

October 29, 2008 at 7:04 pm Leave a comment

You got one of a sentence

Inevitable a mass is condemned to disintegrate into sparks of matter daring the insubstantiality of nothing but space, only to search for refuge at its own kind to build up new patterns of something else, and thus trying to satisfy its need for being special whereas the specification that would make it special is the same for everything of the same kind making it even more ordinary than the existence of nothing else, which leaves the feeling of an useless search for a meaning, regardless of the fact that a meaning could only make sense with the knowledge of everything as well as of its underlying condition called nothing at all.

I’m going to give it up here. I don’t want to give away every secret life offers. Honestly, one has to go far just to find out who he or she really is and where one belongs to. Maybe we won’t find it out at all. But does it really matter? Shouldn’t we enjoy every single thing even if it only leaves a bitter taste in your mouth? Every moment is worth breathing air into your lungs like it would be the one single really existing matter filling us with something we would call hope for finding more. More that’s waiting for us, out of our current sight, but knowing that we’re coming to taste it like it was the rain after running a marathon.
Knowledge is the weight on your shoulders just like it is your parachute!

December 19, 2007 at 6:26 am Leave a comment

To coordinate chaos

3.1415926535897′. Ordo ab chao. Mea culpa sed omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina. How to understand chaos? Maybe it’s all about circles. What goes around comes back around. Try to cry into a room with many edges. Your voice will probably crush. Compare this to places you wander without the will or possibility to share attributes of these milieus. Yo vengo de todas partes, y hacia todas partes voy: arte soy entre las artes, e en los montes, monte soy. Adaptive you have to be. More than ever. Unser Zeitgeist ist unsere immer schneller werdende Veränderung. Der Wandel der Zeit.

Change is irrestistible. Disce quasi semper victurus vive quasi cras moriturus. Lerne Veränderung. So does that straigthen out our confusion? First, we have to find the system where we don’t see it. Afterwards, we make it fit to serve our purpose. With the knowledge of the appropriate patterns and the ability to change them or else our thinking about them, chaos will fade.
Not everything may fit into a sphere. Trotzdem hilft es oft schon einfach Definitionen mehr Freiraum zu geben. Abstrakt zu denken. Think without limits. Eventually it’s about language too. Try to understand. Let yourself be affected. Even if it’s just a mathematical constant with a decimal expansion that never ends nor repeats.
Acta est fabula plaudite!

December 13, 2007 at 7:00 am 4 comments

To beat your own statistics

Organisms love patterns. The reason is quite simple. They like to predict behaviour correctly. Obviously, being right has the mentionable advantage of triggering the ejection seat at the right moment or deciding not to fight with two angry jaguars. But besides that, simple patterns are just boring.
However, scientists found out why the hell humans laugh. They analysed jokes and dah, dah,.. The reason we laugh is out of curiosity. Some may also laugh because somebody tickles them. Nevertheless, this means that you can make up a joke by stating something and afterwards just use a line that wouldn’t be predicted easily. So, if we predict something wrong, laughing will release endorphins and still make us happy. It’s only a question of how to explain that to the jaguars.

This reminds me of one of my favourite quotes. ‘Confusion is always the most honest response’ by Marty Indik. (Uh, interesting, my cerebral cortex seems to messed up confusion and curiosity.) However I found out that he also said ‘Half of analysis is anal’. Notice! This second quote is the perfect and short example to the theory of jokes mentioned before. What else did I have to find out? ‘”Non-notable lawyer.” by LrdChaos’ in July 2006. If that isn’t notable?
How trustworthy is the Internet? If you know something about Mr Indik, LrdChaos or July 2006 – tell me, I’m dying to know. Not physically, more on a neurological level.
Statistics reveal: don’t trust statistics!

November 29, 2007 at 7:34 pm 2 comments

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~ Qui Tacet Consentit


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